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Aliplast Group Foundation Charity Football Tournament

On Sunday, 8 October, the Aliplast Group Foundation Charity Football Tournament took place. Lovely weather, lots of energy and fantastic teams competing with enthusiasm to win. In our view, all the teams won, especially as the aim of the Tournament was to help Ukrainian children.

Congratulations to Spiżarnia for winning first place, Aliplast Sp. z o.o. for second place and Oknoplast for third. High praise to Chemnovatic, Dnipro and Aliplast Extrusion for their enthusiasm and fight to the very end.

We would like to thank all participants in the Aliplast Group Foundation Tournament, and hope that we have started a fine tradition with this event.

Our thanks also go to the event's patrons: Polish Radio Lublin, Gazeta Wyborcza, TVP3 Lublin and Lublin24.pl.

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