Build a future together

Responsible business

Aliplast Sp. z o. o. desires to consciously build its brand - a producer in the industry of aluminium systems for the construction industry- in line with the concept of corporate social responsibility. Aliplast focuses on active measures directed at areas related to environmental protection, and policy of cooperation and dialogue with the local community. The concept of corporate social responsibility in Aliplast is also closely related to the concept of sustainable development of the enterprise which implies that the activities carried out by the Company are not limited only to efforts to increase economic results, but also include the undertaking of social initiatives.


Building correct employee relations, creating a friendly work environment, providing employees with appropriate development conditions (training, incentive schemes), care for working conditions, supporting employee activities (in sports Aliplast Runner Team, Aliplast Fishing Team, Multisport card), thanks to investment in the expansion of the production plant - increasing the number of jobs, ensuring equal employment conditions for women and men.

Business partners

Integration of the joinery industry, transparent rules of cooperation, anti-corruption policy.

 Environment and safety

Minimising any harmful impact on the natural environment caused by the company’s production activity, implementing innovative environmentally-friendly technologies, improvement in the area related to the impact on the natural environment.

Local community

Supporting institutions and associations working for the benefit of people in need and the local community as part of charitable activities in the field of education, culture and sport.

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Aliplast Extrusion, Corialis