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Aliplast Group Mountain Team - expedition to the Bieszczady Mountains and cleaning mountain trails

Last weekend, Aliplast Group employees - mountain nature lovers in the following team: Joanna, Dorota, Justyna, Sławek, Darek, Łukasz, Tomek, and Piotr visited the most beautiful places in the Bieszczady Mountains. They decided to draw our attention to the problem of littering in the mountains. Our Mountain Team managed to collect a large amount of garbage from the Bieszczady Mountains, which was brought down from the mountains, sorted, and put where it belongs. It is a common lesson in respecting the environment because it is not just about cleaning up, but about not littering and promoting the reduction of waste generation. It is sad that when we go out to the mountains, we very often come across abandoned plastic bottles (PET), bags and plastic bags, and disposable cups. They take 100-1000 years or even longer to decompose in the environment. Nature welcomes us with its beauty so let's remember - in such places we all benefit from the hospitality of nature, and such hospitality should be respected. We remind you - what you brought with you to the mountains, take back! The group took the long and exhausting route: Wołosate, Bukowska Przełęcz 1127 m n.p.m., Halicz 1333 m n.p.m., Goprowska Przełęcz 1161 m n.p.m., Tarnica 1346 m n.p.m., Szeroki Wierch 1262 m n.p.m., Dolina Terebowiec 675 m n.p.m., Ustrzyki Górne.

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